Time management is a widely debated topic and for good reason. We all want to make the best of the time we have, to be effective and create the highly desired “balance”. This requires great time management.

If we think about it, though, time keeps flowing and we can’t really “manage” that. What we can do is manage our energy within a specific timeframe. So energy management feels like a more accurate depiction of what we’re really doing.

Managing my energy effectively is something I have struggled a lot with. Mostly because I always wanted to do 3675381273576 things, so yes, there was never enough time for all of them. There still isn’t. That’s why it’s important to have clear priorities.

Estimating the time it takes me to do things or get ready often fails, too. I think I have gotten better at it. Yet, I still find myself running and rushing to make sure I make it somewhere on time or pulling an all-nighter to meet a deadline.

Not to mention that no matter how well I plan things out, sometimes life has its own way of interfering with my plans. It reminds me I am not in control of everything and that’s great. I need that. 😆

It teaches me to be flexible, to adapt and adjust to various circumstances and situations that I could have never come up with while crafting my plans. All in all, it’s pretty much always a win. However, being in the process of it all is not the most pleasant experience.

There is a beautiful dance between letting things flow and making things happen. I like going with the flow. I’ve learned to like it more and more over the years.

Yet I also want to feel a sense of control over my life. Which is why I intentionally plan, organize, envision, create (whatever you want to call it) my days, weeks, months and years.

I’m not attached to the plans (or so I try), because we all see how our lives can flip entirely upside down, but they give me a sense of direction and excitement. Something to look forward to.

“Happiness is pretty simple: someone to love, something to do, something to look forward to.”

Rita Mae Brown

Over time, I have tested numerous methods, tools and systems to manage my energy and make the best of my time. I won’t tell you all of them. What I will tell you is what I’m currently using and what works for me.

There are 2 main frameworks I use at the moment:

1. The Cycle Syncing Method

If you have a menstrual cycle, this might really make a big difference in your life. I wrote about the Cycle Syncing Method™ and the influences of the menstrual cycle on our brain, metabolism and immune system here. For an in-depth study of how all that plays out into your energy levels, I highly recommend Alisa Vitti’s In The FLO book.

The way this method works is I keep track of my menstrual cycle and plan activities and tasks based on that. There are phases in which I am more outgoing and social than others. Therefore, I do my best to plan conversations or hangouts with people for those times.

In certain phases, I have more energy to get things done effectively and I schedule my tasks accordingly. In others, I prefer being by myself, so I’ll be more quiet if I have to go somewhere or I’ll simply refuse invitations and interactions to get cozy in my “sanctuary”.

As I previously said, it doesn’t always work out in perfect sync. Life gets in the way. But doing my best to listen to my body and its phases has really made a difference in the way I feel and interact, as well as in my energy levels throughout the month.

Knowing the phases and how they influence the way your body functions is key to applying this method. It’s also an opportunity to observe yourself and your natural inclinations over the course of a menstrual cycle.

2. Theme/Focus Days

Ever since I was little, I remember Saturday being the cleaning day in our house and in the entire village, I think. Sunday was rest day, which is something that a lot of people still maintain. On some level, I had the idea of ‘theme days’ and I applied it for many years.

Last year, a friend of mine was telling me how she assigned specific days to focus on certain activities. I thought it was a great idea to expand throughout the entire week. How it works is I set a theme or a focus for the day.

For example, I have Self-Care Monday. Every Monday, I make sure I give my body, mind and soul a big chunk of time for self-care. That means I’ll be taking a long shower, wash my hair, cut my nails, maybe put on a face mask, play some relaxing music. You know…. kind of like a pampering day to start the week right.

Saturday is still cleaning day.😆 I call it Household Saturday. I organize my room, fold laundry, clean the fireplace and just freshen up my space. I might also cook and do any other household related tasks.

It does not mean that this is everything I do all day. Generally, it won’t take up my entire day and I might do other things, as well. However, if it does and that’s all I get to do for the day, I call it a successful day because I have accomplished my main focus.

While I don’t always follow through exactly, or I might need to readjust sometimes, it works pretty well for me at the moment. Following this system has helped me make progress in the most important aspects and stay on track.

I used to have those activities I would keep postponing because something came up or the day was too short to get everything done. And those “too short” days were pretty much every day. 😅 Now I know for sure that I’ll get to them through the week, when their assigned day comes. This is somewhat of a Daily Focus System with specific categories of tasks that I prioritize each day.

Ultimately, I believe there are no perfect systems that can help you stay on top of everything. I think it’s important to be flexible and consider the lifestyle you currently have.

What works for me right now is probably not going to work when the circumstances of my life change. And what works for me might not work for you at all, even if we have similar lifestyles, because let’s face it: we’re different people and we operate differently.

Still, I invite you to experiment and take what resonates from the methods I’ve shared with you. Let me know how it goes.❤️

What are your favorite ways to manage your energy and make the best of your time?

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