Author page: Raluca

How Reading Books Makes You a Better Person

How Reading Books Makes You a Better Person

Reading books is one of my favorite activities. Every time I start a book, I get excited. It’s like I’m just starting a new journey that will bring something wonderful into my life. When I was in high school, I would stay up all night, because I couldn’t put down the book I was reading. It happened way too many…

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5 Sweet Spots You Must See in Portugal

5 Sweet Spots You Must See in Portugal

Portugal is probably my favorite country in Europe. No, I have not seen all of Europe, but there’s something about Portugal that stole my heart. So, brace yourself. You’re going to read a lot of ‘love’, ‘magic’, ‘beautiful’ and ‘wonderful’ in this one. I generally only visit a place once. There’s so much of the world to see and I…

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Look Back to Move Forward

Look Back to Move Forward

25% of 2021 is gone. Done. Over. Out. We’ve all been waiting for this year for what felt like an eternity. 2020 seemed never-ending, yet look at 2021 just flying by. It’s April already. 3 months have passed. How are you doing? We all want 2021 to be better, kinder, easier. Still, it seems like for the first 3 months,…

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My Brazilian Adventure

My Brazilian Adventure

Have you ever felt the urge to go on an adventure on your own? I sometimes feel the need to break away from everything and everyone and go explore a new place by myself, or rather explore myself in a new place. 😉 My experience in Brazil was just that – a response to this calling. While I went there…

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How I Make the Best of My Time

How I Make the Best of My Time

Time management is a widely debated topic and for good reason. We all want to make the best of the time we have, to be effective and create the highly desired “balance”. This requires great time management. If we think about it, though, time keeps flowing and we can’t really “manage” that. What we can do is manage our energy within…

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Backpacking through South America

Backpacking through South America

I don’t know about you, but I still haven’t been outside the country for over a year. The last time I haven’t left the country for this long it was 2012.😳 I don’t know how I’m staying sane (hint: I’m not 🤫 and who is able to these days? 😬). I see people travelling here and there. Unfortunately, I’m feeding…

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On Being a Woman

On Being a Woman

International Women’s Day is right around the corner and I can’t think of a better gift to offer than this piece of awareness that brought me so much liberation and empowerment. We are taught so little about how our bodies and minds function and how to nurture them, that we often work against ourselves without even knowing. This article is…

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2020 – A GAP Year

2020 – A GAP Year

Now that we’re officially into the New Year, even according to the Lunar calendar, I’m ready to talk about last year. At least the parts of it that I have been able to process so far. Before I had this lovely website (can you tell I’m excited about it?😆), I used to post articles on Medium, where I talk about…

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Within Years

Within Years

Time is an interesting concept, isn’t it? We break it down to make it easier to accept and embrace… we break it down into seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years, decades. I don’t know if that matters so much. It might give us some sort of security… it might make us think that we have some sort of control over it. Or…

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